Spring Rice

Rice has been one of the girls’ favorite sensory items. The way it pours; the way it sounds; and the way you can make it all sorts of colors! It was a rainy morning, so we divided two large bags of rice into four bags and used vinegar and food coloring to create a muted array of spring colors! I’ve never had the girls around while dyeing the rice, but I thought it would be a great rainy morning activity to do together. RICE. EVERYWHERE. But so fun!

I snagged these paper mache, cardboard-type eggs from Hobby Lobby and let the girls paint them earlier this week. I sealed with Modge Podge spray and threw them in the rice. The girls loved hiding the eggs under the rice and lining them up. I also added our unfinished peg people, our Grimm’s Wooden bowls, and stainless steel scoops.

The girls played with this off and on for over two hours today. Indoors and outdoors, thinking of other tools to add to their play - bowls, whisks, flowers.


And, of course, we ended the day making birthday cakes for our favorite friends and singing “Happy Birthday” to the birds, bunny rabbits, and ourselves!


Spring has sprung, friends! Happy playing!