
Learning Their Way with Sensory Play

No one is questioning why you have to think twice about dumping a five-pound bag of beans in a bin on your floor, throwing in a few bottles and spoons, and letting your already-predisposed-to-catastrophic-messes babe have at it! Sensory play is rightfully all the rage and we continue to learn more about its immense benefits for our growing learners.

Come explore the magic and wonder of sensory play with me! From water play to play dough, our online course will help you build your expectations, activities, and even the sensory bin itself! We will explore the basics and benefits of sensory play for littles of all ages, making it an approachable and manageable rhythm for your classroom or home. You will leave feeling empowered to tune into what your child would like to explore, have a back pocket full of ideas for sensory play invitations, and will have trouble-shooting strategies that will deal with every potential issue you might face. Guaranteed.

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