Peek-A-Boo Play Dough

Happy National Play Dough Day! The girls loveeee anything to do with Play-Dough and it’s so exciting to see their skills evolve. Each time they seem to interact with it differently and I see more improvement in their fine motor skills and how they manipulate the dough. Working on those strong finger muscles!

I saw this fun tutorial for Color Surprise Play Dough and knew that the girls would be intrigued. They love anything to do with hiding or playing peek-a-boo! We used Julie’s never-fail, super soft, homemade dough recipe (because I’m not about that cooking play dough life!) and made a batch of white and a batch that I divided and used food dye to change the colors. Essentially, you make whatever-sized colored balls, matching-sized white balls, flatten the white, and wrap the colored one up in the white. I felt like I was on a baking show doing this a million times (because we also made them for school this week)!

I told the girls that there was magic inside and they had to squish the play dough to make the magic happen! They love doing “magic tricks” and getting in the car, cleaning up, putting their shoes on when I’ve got my eyes closed. They’ll exclaim, “MAGIC!”


I handed them a few balls of “white” play dough, along with some of our wooden stamps in case they wanted to squish them with those. They quickly discovered the special secret! As they kept kneading (“press and fold!”) their white play dough swirled with the colorful dough inside! They did all ten balls and then decided they wanted to make tacos for everyone.

HACK: If you’ve got a few colors of play dough lying around, just make a batch of white and wrap up the colors that you have! I plan to keep doing this over and over as an invitation to play for them!


Happy National Play Dough Day!